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Discover Japanese Mochi snacks!🌾

Discover Japanese Mochi snacks!🌾


Rice is a typical Japanese staple food but there are many varieties of rice, such as Koshihikari, Akita Komachi, etc. There is also mochi rice, which is a type of rice cake.

There is another kind of rice called mochi rice that is different from that rice.
Mochi is made from Rice. You all know that, don't you?

The glutinous texture of mochi is irresistible, isn't it?
Mochi is loved by many generations in Japan, from children to grandfathers.
There are sweets that make the most of the texture and ingredients of mochi.

motimoti kun
You can find it in our japaese snack Box #1.
This is the Cherry Rice Cake Mochi from Kyochin Seika.

You can find these products in Dagashi stores and sometimes in supermarkets, but they are not sold in convenience stores.
The toothpicks inside the mochi are cute and small!

It is delicious to eat them one by one, but it is also luxurious and interesting to eat them all at once.

Yukimi- Daifuku (snow cones)

It is Lotte's ice cream, but inside the mochi is vanilla ice cream.
Mochi is something Japanese people imagine eating in winter or at New Year's, but since it is ice cream, you can eat it even in the hot summer.
In winter, we recommend eating it over a kotatsu (a table over a kotatsu, a Japanese low table over a kotatsu). The reason for this is that the ice cream is placed in the kotatsu, which melts the frozen mochi. This makes the mochi stretch when you take a bite, making it even tastier and more enjoyable.

And then there are the Motchan Dango (rice dumplings).

These are three-colored dumplings, sweets based on the motif of mochi (rice cakes).
The texture is glutinous and really looks like a rice cake.
These are also not found in convenience stores, but in Dagashi shops.(candy shop)

We put this product in Japanese snack box #2!
It is covered with white sugar and is sweet and delicious!
Please give it a try!

One last thing.
Okaki (Japanese cracker)

Okaki are available in a variety of products! From high-end products to those you can buy at convenience stores.
There are soy sauce flavored, salt, mirin, and so many more that I really can't introduce them all, but I will introduce one of the most popular, kaki no tane.

Kaki no tane is a product that is constantly popular overseas, and is also a popular snack.
The slightly spicy flavor is addictive and hard to stop.
There are also many other flavors, such as wasabi, that are perfect for souvenirs!

Do you have any favorite japanese snacks or products you are interested in?

We'd love to hear from you via email, Instagram, Twitter, etc!


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