News > Japan's Recent Tourism Situation ⭐️

Japan's Recent Tourism Situation ⭐️

Japan's Recent Tourism Situation ⭐️


In Japan, March and April are the months for graduation and entrance into school, and the beginning of the new term at many companies.

With the Corona disaster finally coming to an end, people are out and about more than ever this year, participating in events. Cherry blossom viewing is one such event. In fact, many foreigners could be seen everywhere.

↓Kyoto Nishiki Market April 2023


On January 18, the Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) announced the estimated number of foreign visitors to Japan in December 2022, which totaled 1.37 million, up 435,500, or 1.5 times from 934,500 in November, and surpassing 1 million for the first time since the coronavirus disaster. The report also stated that the number of cases recovered to 50% of the same month in 2019, before the impact of the new coronavirus infection.



We live in Osaka, but when we visited Kyoto the other day, we were surprised to see more foreign tourists than Japanese. We are very happy to see this scenery at last. We hope that more and more foreigners will come to Japan and experience our country 😊

We will continue to provide information of great value and maniac information for you ! 🌸



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