> 2023 Comic Con was HELD in Osaka ⭐️

2023 Comic Con was HELD in Osaka ⭐️

2023 Comic Con was HELD in Osaka ⭐️


Comic Con was held in Osaka on May 5,6,7.

Comic Convection. Also known as Comic-Con, this event originated in 1970 as the Golden State Comic Book Convention, held mainly in Shell Dorf, and is a pop culture event centered on manga. Held annually in early July in San Diego, U.S.A., the event has expanded its content to include manga, anime, games, and movies, and has developed into a major event that attracts more than 130,000 visitors.
Furthermore, Comic-Con is not only held in the U.S., but also in France, the U.K., Taiwan, and other countries, making it an event that has become a hot topic around the world 🌏

It was recently held in Osaka and it rained a lot, but we were there too! 😊


We had a lot of costumes from popular movies such as Spiderman and Marvel, as well as Jack and Rose costumes from Titanic. There were also exhibits of popular Japanese movies such as "Attack on Titan" and "My Hero Academia," which made for a very powerful event.



Guests included Orlando Bloom, Mads Mikkelsen, and other famous actors who have appeared in famous movies.


There were also many cosplayers at the venue, making it a participatory event that both children and adults could enjoy 😊

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