News > Cherry Blossom Hanami Picnic in Japan 🌸

Cherry Blossom Hanami Picnic in Japan 🌸

Cherry Blossom Hanami Picnic in Japan 🌸


Hi 😊

It is the season of cherry blossoms 🌸 Have you participated in "Hanami"?

In this blog, I would like to introduce Hanami with its history.


Hanami" is an event to feel the change of the season while viewing cherry blossoms. The custom of Hanami dates back to the Nara period (710-794).

Originally, it was more of a ritual than a way to enjoy the beauty of the flowers. People began to offer food at the base of the flowers to pray for a bountiful autumn harvest.

As time passed and agriculture became more productive, the custom of making offerings faded away.

Still, the custom of enjoying delicious food under the cherry blossoms, "hanami," remains, doesn't it? 

Besides, in the old days, you didn't know the exact temperature. When the cherry blossoms bloomed, it was an indication of when the weather would warm up. So it was helpful for the timing of rice planting.

Cherry blossoms were valued as a special existence, like a god for rice planting.



Cherry blossom viewing as we know it today began with the "Hanayen-no-Setsu" held by Emperor Saga. It is said that the origin of cherry blossom viewing is from that banquet.

It is believed that Heian aristocrats spent their time composing poems while admiring cherry blossoms.

The cherry blossom viewing organized by Toyotomi Hideyoshi was extravagant and famous among the people.

When the Tokugawa Shogunate came to power, cherry blossom viewing seems to have become more popular among the common people.

Many cherry trees were planted.

Today, it is said that 80% of all cherry trees in Japan are planted with the Someiyoshino variety of cherry tree. It has spread since the Tokugawa Shogunate period 🌸



Nowadays, people bring their lunch boxes and snacks together and enjoy the meal while admiring the cherry blossoms.

While it is rare for people to read songs, young people deepen exchanges with their friends by playing physical games and sports that can be done casually.


This year, many foreigners have actually come to Japan this season for hanami (cherry blossom viewing) since the end of Corona. I am very happy that this culture is spreading all over the world. I am very happy that this culture is spreading all over the world 🥳


What kind of hanami did you enjoy?

Let us know via email, Instagram, or Twitter 😊







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